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The voice of the European Asphalt Industry


The latest Asphalt in Figures released!


New Magazine!

The much-awaited E&E Congress 2024 magazine is Here!


EAPA Honors Tibor Veress with 2024 Asphalt Advocate Award


The Roadcast

The RoadCast, the official EAPA podcast,
is hosted by Carsten Karcher, our Secretary General.


#AsphaltHeroes Campaign: Honouring the People of the Asphalt Industry

European Asphalt Pavement Association


The latest Asphalt in Figures released!


New Magazine!

The much-awaited E&E Congress 2024 magazine is Here!


EAPA Honors Tibor Veress with 2024 Asphalt Advocate Award


The Roadcast

The RoadCast, the official EAPA podcast,
is hosted by Carsten Karcher, our Secretary General.


#AsphaltHeroes Campaign: Honouring the People of the Asphalt Industry


EAPA's Podcast

Learn more


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EAPA on YouTube

Do you know that EAPA has its own YouTube channel?
With lots of information regarding the asphalt industry!

Go to YouTube Channel

EAPA`s Objectives

The primary objective of the European Asphalt Pavement Association is to build a sound evidence base for promoting the economic, technical, and societal benefits of asphalt paving in road construction and maintenance. Further, to create the future for an innovative and modern asphalt industry in Europe that cares for health and safety as well as for protection of the environment and sustainability.

EAPA shall:

  • Exchange, disseminate and promote information and knowledge
  • represent its members with stakeholders
  • build on its strong reputation as the voice of the European asphalt paving industry

EAPA’s Mission Statement

European Asphalt Pavement Association (EAPA) is the voice of the Asphalt Paving Industry in Europe and works to ensure that the use of asphalt, as the optimum choice for the construction and maintenance of the vital European road infrastructure, is fully appreciated, promoted and implemented.

Read full EAPA's Mission Statement, Objectives and Activities

EAPA`s Members

16 national associations and 23 equipment and material suppliers are members of EAPA.

EAPA Members


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Learn about the advantages of choosing asphalt

The advantages of asphalt simply add up to superior value. Asphalt is safe, smooth, durable and sustainable.

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We have asked our EAPA Representatives;  What will be the next major innovation drivers for the industry?

We have to reduce CO2 emissions and the asphalt industry shall play an important role in that fundamental change. It will demand hard work and creative thinking in the whole chain – from raw materials overproduction to re-use. Roads are a basic requirement for cars and when they come to run on clean electricity, the industry becomes a valuable part of the green future.

Anders HundahlEAPA Directors' Group CEO, DAPA, Danish Asphalt Pavement Association
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